Retirement Plans
Your Retirement Income Solution
Our intelligent engine, AIDA, empowers you to provide 3(38) fiduciary
advice to plan
- One-time advice on safe retirement income1, Social Security claim, allocation to lifetime income, and asset allocation covering in-plan and held-away assets
- Ongoing advice on sourcing each year’s retirement paycheck from in-plan and held-away assets
- Ongoing safety monitoring and adjustments to annual retirement income, if necessary
Our capabilities are available via white-labeled UI and API.

Paycheck: integrated assistance to source planned
and unplanned spending
- When a participant selects a plan for income management, Paycheck creates tax-optimized instructions for quarterly planned spending across in-plan and held-away assets
- Paycheck considers tax type, current and future cash flows that vary over time, estimated state and federal taxes, and inflation adjustments
- Our API makes it easy to add Paycheck to a current or new interface

SafePathSM: a personalized path to track
safety and determine adjustments
- Provides a comprehensive outlook on upcoming retirement years, addressing the question, "Am I Safe?"
- Simple and quick answer: if the portfolio balance is within the Safe Zone, continue to spend as planned and could even consider additional discretionary distributions.
- If the portfolio balance enters the Adjustment Zone, a recommendation is made to reduce retirement spending.
Generally, a retiree's actual portfolio balances are expected to be in the Safe Zone.

Execution and management of a personalized
retirement income strategy for plan participants
All capabilities can be made available from your current tools or user interface via API
Call: 888-966-9469
Testimonials are provided by current institutional clients. No cash
compensation was provided for the testimonials and there are no material conflicts of interest
resulting from a relationship with these institutions.